reflections from my mother

As you can imagine, this has been quite a transition for my mother. Watching her grieve and then try to carry on with her life has to be one of the most difficult things a son could observe. It's still an ongoing challenge for her and certainly will always impact her for the rest of life. I've talked with a few widows just to understand the things they experience on a daily basis for the purpose of understanding my mother better. Losing a parent is far different than losing a spouse. This must be recognized, and it must be respected.

My parents anticipated moving into a new phase of their lives together but now those dreams will only stay as dreams. In time, I trust God will unveil to my mom new plans for her future, plans that instill hope, even joy amidst a broken heart. I know she desires to add some of her thoughts and reflections as time and energy permits. She wants to share my dad's life with others from the perspective of a wife.

I'm so grateful for my mother and look forward to what God places on her heart to share with us. But please understand, this is an ongoing process and, therefore, I want to respect her time of healing. Thanks for your understanding.

Dear one, I was cross last night and you had worked so hard all day. Quietly you said, "Good night, " closed the door, and went away. Nights can be so very long when hearts are far that should be near; I cannot wait for day to come and hear you say, "Good morning, Dear. - Ruth Bell Graham